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15 kilograms of abdominal tumors are removed, an 11-year old girl gains a new life



Four years ago, Han Bingbing, an 11-year-old girl from Heilongjiang Province was diagnosed with malignant ovarian teratoma. Her condition exacerbated, which caused her abdomen was as big as a "pregnant woman" and having difficulty in breathing. She consulted many doctors but was refused, so she transferred to seek medical advice in southern China in June of this year and was admitted to "Xu Kecheng Health Care Studio", becoming the first target of assistance. On July 15 of 2014, 15 kilograms of abdominal tumors was successfully removed. Now she is in recovery and her mental state is great.



Bingbing was received and treated by surviving cancer president



Han Bingbing, an 11-year-old girl from Heilongjiang province, was diagnosed with abdominal teratoma four years ago. A large number of teeth, bones and other human tissues were found in her stomach, which scared the whole family. So she underwent surgical removal. However, unfortunately, six months after the surgery, the illness relapsed and chemotherapy failed to work well on her, so the hospital issued her a "removal order". In the past four years, Bingbing’s parents took her to seek medical advice in Beijing, Harbin and other cities. Her stomach was growing bigger and bigger and visceral pressure atrophy, which stopped her from going out. Six months ago, the volume of teratoma increased so quickly that she felt difficulty in breathing and walking.




In this June, her desperate parents saw a report of “Role Model of The Times”-Dr. Xu Kecheng covered by "Topics in Focus ", so they took Bingbing to the Southern China with 7,000 RMB raised from friends and relatives, eventually Bingbing was successfully admitted to Guangzhou Fuda cancer Hospital where this surviving cancer president serves. 




Professor Xu Kecheng set up a special medical team for Bingbing. They held a group consultation, all the experts and professors present were shocked that Bingbing’s teratoma has occupied five sixths of her abdominal cavity. The tumor constantly squeezed other organs and multiple organs atrophied, resulting in malnutrition, skinny and having difficulty in breathing and walking. This 11-year-old girl is just 1.25 meters tall and weighing only 39 kg. It is estimated from the CT images that Bingbing’s abdominal tumors weigh up to 15 kilograms.




"Bingbing’s condition is a very complex, so surgery is risky mainly because of long-term tumor oppression on heart and blood vessels. It is easy to appear cardiac arrest caused by excessive load, hemorrhage and tissue ischemia-reperfusion reactions." the attending doctor said.


Love Relay to save a life 



When the medical team was racing against time to look for a best surgery plan for Bingbing, her parents’ faces were clouded with worries because they cannot afford to pay for the treatments. It was roughly estimated that the treatments would take about RMB200, 000, which it was absolutely an astronomical sum of money for this debt-ridden family. At that moment, "Xu Kecheng health care studio” immediately decided to help her as the first target of assistance by raising funds from Foundation for Poor Cancer Patients and the society. 




Subsequently, from June 19th to 23th, there were nearly 130,000 RMB raised from all sides by Alipay, bank transfer and cash etc. in this special account. “On June 17th, I read a message concerning huge abdominal tumor of Bingbing on Prof. Xu Kecheng’s Wechat.”She is of the same age as my daughter, but she should suffer severe torture from a lingering illness."Ms. Law Lee Poh from Malaysia said. After learning Bingbing’s condition, she immediately decided to contribute 30,000 RMB, who was the first person that lent a helping hand. As of July 23th, the donations had reached up to 170,000 RMB.



Successful removal of 15 kilograms of abdominal tumors


 After several rounds of group consultation and surgery plan discussion, the surgery team consisted of chief surgical expert-Professor Li Chaolong, chief cryosurgery expert-Dr. Niu Lizhi, Professor Zhu Weibing, Director Huang Zhifeng and invited anesthesiologist Xiao Jinfang from Nanfang Hospital.




"This girl is so young, but her tumor is so big. The surgery is rather complicated so that many surgeons simply do not want to take such a high risk." Professor Li Chaolong said.




At 8 0’clock of July 15, Bingbing was sent to the operating room. The surgery lasted for nearly eight hours, a 15-kilogram huge tumor, which was as big as two footballs, was successful removed from this 1.25 meters tall girl who was only 39 kilograms.


"We have removed the 'big mountain' on Bingbing’s stomach, so she could start a new life. She will have a happy childhood as her peers." The chief surgical expert of Fuda Cancer Hospital, Professor Li Chaolong said. He also said that this was the biggest tumor of this age group that he has seen in his 40 years medical career. After surgery, Bingbing recovers very quickly, and she can get out of bed and walk freely.




It was reported that there was no complication after surgery. Now she is in quick recovery. I saw Bingbing at the hospital yesterday, who was in good mental state and quiet. 


Bingbing is financed to return to school


All the medical personnel and other people who care about her are thrilled. Considering that Bingbing has dropped out of school because of her illness, Fuda Cancer Hospital and "Xu Kecheng Health Care Studio" decide to subsidize her 400 RMB monthly so that she can return to school. The subsidy will last until she graduates from college.




It is reported that the amount of contributions has reached more than 170,000 RMB, while surgical treatment and others have cost 119,092RMB. The remaining amount will be included in the "Xu Kecheng Health Care studio", which will be used for Bingbing’s follow-up examination and treatment, and treatments of similar cases.




Nursing care before surgery

Bingbing is lying on the operation table

Preoperative preparation

The surgery is in process 

After surgery, Bingbing is lying on the bed

Professor Li Chaolong and removed tumors

Convalescent Bingbing

Convalescent Bingbing

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