This department mainly focuses on applying surgery and minimally invasive treatments (irreversible electroporation, cryosurgical ablation, microvascular intervention, etc.) for liver cancer, biliary tract cancer, pancreatic cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, anorectal cancer, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, etc. Led by Professor Li Zhaolong, the team is at the leading level at home and abroad in the field of combined abdominal organ transplantation and laparoscopic liver surgery. Professor Li is also an expert on the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine. He makes good use of the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine to treat all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases, and creates a medical theoretical system for the public and the world-"Modern China Medicine".
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Hepatobiliary and Gastrointestinal Tumor Surgery
Hits:★★★★★Date:2018-10-15Author: From:#
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