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Patient Story

A flight to hope



Early autumn of this year, a tall couple came to Fuda Hospital. They came from northern India. The husband, Farokh Tarapore, is a 60-years-old gentlemen in good shape and always has smile on his face. The patient is his wife, Mrs. Anahita Farokh Tarapore, 57 years old. Back to that time, she looks little haggard, but she still smiled when talking about her husband.


Mr. Tarapore was an excellent national athlete and had represented India in the Olympic Games to win glory for his country. After they got married, they traveled a lot and lived happily. They also treat fitness, regular exercise and a proper healthy routine as highest priority of life until the disease came. Mrs. Anahita Tarapore was started developing solitary fibrous tumor. Although non-cancerous (non-malignant), this solitary fibrous tumor in this right lower hemithoracic region was increasing in size day by day.



Mrs. Anahita and Mr. Tarapore


In March 2018, the tumors, which were supposed to be controlled by exercise and medication, has grown to the size of 14 cm.


"We feel hopeless, doctor said my wife had to take surgery, but I was worried about whether she could take it, it’s too risky, "Tarapore said.


Then they heard about NanoKnife ablation, a minimally invasive treatment that is very effective for Anahita's case, most importantly, without major risk. Following this clue, they found Fuda. Without hesitation, they get on a plane and start the journey of hope.



Anahita after treatment


The NanoKnife operation was successfully performed thanks to Dr. Niu Lizhi. Because it was not a traditional operation and there was no large area of wound, Anahita recovered quickly after the operation.


"Follow-up recuperation is also very important. I feel so much better now. I hope I can keep it going, "Tarapore told Dr. Anup few months later. Now they have returned to normal life with more attention to the quality of life, they are also preparing for the next trip.


We all wish them a wonderful journey.

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