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What to do if patient present low platelets?



This patient hail from Thailand and went through both chemo and radiotherapy two years ago for nasopharyngeal cancer. However, the tumor progressed. Now the patient has a metastatic tumor in the liver. For single metastatic tumor, the most suitable treatment would be local ablation. But this patient faces a problem that his bone marrow is suppressed due to chemo and immunotherapy. It leads to low platelets values to 40,000/L which can't meet treatment standard.

We gave an injection with a platelet-raising drug before our treatment. After injection, it rose to 68,000/L. For this case which platelets are still lower than normal, we should choose microwave ablation. Microwave ablation suitable for patient whose platelets count is above 50,000/L thanks to its coagulation function. It can also reduce the risk of bleeding.

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