In the world of modern therapy and medical technology, patients often neglect what they can do for themselves at home to bolster their immune system and decrease the chances of ever getting cancer. Studies have shown that-- for men are willing to potentially radically change their lifestyle and eating habits--switching to an ultra-low-fat vegan diet, prostate cancer patients can significantly inhibit prostate cancer growth by as much as 70%, compared to 9% inhibition experienced by those who only underwent conventional treatment.
In a recent study by the Harvard Medical School, patients began a diet regimen that “provided less than 10% of calories from fat and contained only trace amounts of cholesterol. The menu consisted mainly of fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, legumes, and soy products.” Additionally, a set of nutritional supplements that consisted of “58 grams of powdered soy protein, 3 grams of fish oil, 400 IU of vitamin E, 2 grams of vitamin C, and 200 micrograms of selenium every day.” Daily exercise and relaxation techniques included walking for “30 minutes at a moderate pace, six days a week [...], yoga-based stretching, breathing, meditation...for a total of an hour a day.”
By following the above regimen over the course of one year, study participants experienced significant results. The results lead to the hope that by adopting “lifestyle therapy”, patients can inhibit their prostate cancer....possibly even reversing the effects of cancer.