The International Society of Cryosurgery held their 15th World Congress October 1st-4th, 2009, in St. Petersburg, Russia. From China, 21 major hospitals sent representatives, including Dr. Kecheng Xu from Fuda Cancer Hospital-Guangzhou. Dr. Xu was invited to co-chair the discussions, while Fuda CancerHospital agreed to help host the discussions. On October 2nd, Dr. Lizhi Niu gave a presentation titled "Fuda Cancer Hospital: Excellence in Cryosurgery". Additionally, Tianjin Cancer Hospital's Hai-Tao Wang gave a presentation on behalf of Professor Guo Zhi entitled "Cryosurgery in China: Focus on Stage 3 Prostate Cancer". Thirteen other countries presented speeches: Japan 1, United States 5, Russia 3, Ireland 1, Spain 1, Mexico 1, Germany 1.
On october 3rd, 70 articles were shared at the meeting. Fuda Cancer Hospital submitted seven articles, six of which were selected to be presented. Dr. Kecheng Xu presented "Cryosurgery for the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer,” "Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization – Sequential Percutaneous Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma," and "Cryosurgery's application for the Head and Face". Dr. Lizhi Niu presented "Cryotherapy for Central-Type Lung Cancer," "Cryotherapy for Treatment of Cardiac and Pericardial Neoplasms," and "Cryotherapy for the Treatment of Breast Cancer”. Another 31 papers are published in the form of wall posters. Tianjin Cancer Hospital's Professor Guo Zhi and Professor Tongguo Shi won the Best Academic Paper Award with his article titled “Cryosurgery's Affect On Immunity for Prostate Cancer”.