The Ninth National Symposium on Interventional Diagnosis and Treatment 2009, discussed malignant lesions of the digestive tract and the possible use of endoscopy for new minimally invasive interventional treatments. Held on November 6, 2009 the meeting too place in Xinxiang City, Henan Province. The meeting emphasized the hurdles in diagnosing and treating digestive diseases and related malignant tumors. Speakers presented on the new and encouraging developments being made: new operating techniques, interventional radiology, cryosurgery, and brachytherapy. Dr. Lizhi Niu presented a paper on the combined uses of cryosurgery and brachytherapy for the treatment of cancer. Dr. Niu went on to win an “Outstanding Paper Award” and a prize of 3,000 RMB.
Chinese Academy of Engineering Prof. Daiming Fan (middle), Professor Aiwu Mao Professor (right)
Zhonggao Wang-Chinese Academy of Sciences (left)